Can I Use Sarcasm in Business Meetings?

Can I Use Sarcasm in Business Meetings?

When Speaking another language…

…it’s not just the grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation that we need to pay attention to. It’s also things like humour, cultural values, and in today’s article: Sarcasm.

We’re going to tackle this head-on today to give you some key insight into when, where, why, how and how not to use sarcasm in business, especially in meetings!

Sarcasm is frequently used in English, in fact, for some people it can even be a defining personality trait that forms part of their identity among friends and colleagues.

I’m pretty sure we all know at least one sarcastic person in our personal or professional circle.

Used correctly, it can be funny, endearing and intelligent. However, on the flipside, if used poorly it can appear rude, inappropriate, annoying, foolish and unprofessional.

First of all, what is Sarcasm?

Sarcasm, defined in simple terms as “disguising negative commentary with a positive tone”, is one of the most common forms of humor in conversation.

Today, sarcasm is more specifically defined as “harsh or bitter derision or irony.”

Consequently, just like when we use other forms of humor in business, in practice it can be like walking a tightrope, with a rather large drop below! A recent article in the Wall Street Journal calls sarcasm a “dangerous game.”

The etymology of the word is of Greek and Latin origin, meaning “to tear flesh.” Even now, these negative overtones cast a somber shadow over the word’s meaning.

Why would we use Sarcasm in Business?

If sarcastic quips are so fraught with the risk of offense, why would we be tempted to utter them in the company of colleagues?

The answer comes from author and playwright Oscar Wilde, who said: “Sarcasm is the lowest form of humor but the highest form of intelligence.”

Modern studies support Wilde’s observation. Columnist Elizabeth Bernstein wrote in her WSJ piece “[researchers] …know that sarcasm requires abstract thinking – discerning meaning beneath the surface – which is known to be a hallmark of intelligence.”

She cites further studies by researchers at Columbia Business School, Harvard Business School and Insead, a European business school, which declare: “People who are able to understand sarcasm are more creative and better able to solve problems.”

As creativity and problem-solving are building blocks of productivity, occasional sarcastic banter in business meetings seems understandable.

Still, caution is advised for anyone taking up the technique.

Furthermore, “laying down a good one-liner feels good, which makes sarcasm tempting in any social situation, including business meetings,” says R.C. Dirkes, a consultant who coaches executives on methods of persuasion.

“But like any art form, the key to successful sarcasm is not how your comments make you feel, but what feelings your words provoke in others.”

Like humor in general, he explains, sarcasm hinges on a sense of timing and a feel for the audience.

It’s also a question of quantity and frequency, too much and sarcasm quickly becomes annoying, rude and down right frustrating.

So, based on Bernstein’s article and Dirkes’ counsel, here are five guidelines to help develop a knack for productive sarcasm:

1. Meeting Leaders Should Avoid Sarcasm

One critical aspect of leading a successful meeting is demonstrating respect for each attendee’s commitment to the business at hand. A sarcastic jest easily could send the opposite message to someone feeling stressed by work or pressed for time.

2. Avoid Sarcasm When Invited to Speak by a Leader

Just as respect for any given participant’s time is important for meeting organizers, for best results attendees should show deference to session leaders. Instead of generating a few laughs, sarcastic repartee could be interpreted as not taking a meeting’s subject matter – or its organizer — seriously.

3. It’s Okay to Use Sarcasm with Internal Teams

Colleagues who have collaborated for some time on a project often develop a comfortable rapport. In this context, sharing sarcastic wit can be a sign of a trusting relationship, and, in turn, contribute to a productive environment.

4. Virtual Meetings Don’t Translate Sarcasm Well

One key to conveying trust and confidence is eye contact. And while audio and video conferences provide significant support for this mission, when participating in a meeting through virtual channels wariness should be the rule.

5. Avoid Sarcastic Remarks in Mixed Company

No matter the dimensions of diversity in a group – age, gender, region, ethnicity, etc. – the likelihood that everyone around the table laughs at the same jokes is low. In business, diversity demands discretion not only in meetings but in all forms of communication.

Dirkes believes sarcastic wordplay in business can play a “powerful role” in building teams and fostering collaboration across conference tables and around the world.
“The benefits can be worth a little risk,” he says. “If you practice a touch of restraint, I’m sure your wry witticisms will hit the mark with every colleague every time.”

Now it’s over to you!!

Have you ever experienced a sarcastic remark at work that was poorly used – where someone’s comment deflated a meeting or sabotaged a group project as a result?

Maybe something like: “Well, I’m sure we’ll have no trouble covering these 25 items in the next 20 minutes!”

How do you feel about using sarcasm in the workplace? Is sarcasm worth the price of the feel-good moment? Have you ever used it successfully? – Let us know in the comments!

Moreover, what about when using a second language, like English? Is it hard to use, or maybe hard to understand someone else is using it?

As a general rule of thumb, we advise our students to avoid using sarcasm when in a professional environment, unless they have these two requirements checked:

  1. You are speaking to people you know well and who will understand when you are being sarcastic. You must have that feel for the people you’re speaking to first!

    2. You speak the language very well and are skilled at the timing and intonation required to deliver sarcasm correctly and politely.

And even then, we still suggest exercising caution with sarcasm and humour in business situations, particularly if it’s not your first language or you’re working cross-culturally.

If this article resonated with you, there’s a great chance that your colleagues will appreciate it too. Be an office champion and share this with your friends and colleagues via LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.


Team Trust Native

For the definitions of the highlighted words check our Glossary

Adapted from original article: West UC

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