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Check out our Business English Blog.

How Long will it take to Become Fluent in English? 12 Ways to do it Faster!

In this article: Why English students learn at different speeds. The real answer to the question 'How long will it take to become fluent?' 12 Tips to learn English faster, outside of your English course. Several tools, resources & programs you can use to help...

3 Ways to Avoid Slow Internet Frustrations during Lockdown

Tips to help ensure your internet works when you need it most.   In this article: Why your home internet is suddenly so slow How to test your internet speed Considerations to improve internet speed Internet speed required for video Calls and group meetings 3 Tips...

Write like a Native! How to Improve your Writing and Vocabulary… FREE!

Have you ever felt insecure writing in English at work? Maybe you've had to write something in English and send it to a colleague, your boss or to a client?  It can be pretty daunting, can't it? Sometimes it's hard to know if something you've written will make sense,...

5 Reasons Companies Fear Hiring Career-break Candidates & How to Overcome Them

If you’ve thought about taking a career break... ... but you’re worried that companies will see you differently because of it, this article is for you. Unfortunately, you’re not wrong to be concerned as some companies really do see candidates differently after a...

7 Reasons Why Relauncher Candidates could be the Perfect Hire!

Are you a Leader in business?  Do you recruit new employees into your team or department? If so, there’s a chance you might be missing out on a lucrative and mutually beneficial opportunity in the area of recruitment and selection. Namely, Career Break Candidates,...

12 Tips to Boss your Career Break & Return to Work in Style!

It’s no secret... ...that despite the popularity of career breaks among working professionals (61% of us choose to take one), the return to work afterwards can be a challenge to say the least. This is partly due to the fears that candidates have about re-joining the...

How to get back to Work after a Career Break

Research by Harvard Business Review has shown that over 60% of us will take a career break at some point during our professional lives. Look a little closer and you'll find that 37% of women and 24% of men will temporarily take time out from their careers, often to...

The Long Life of First Impressions

When we meet someone for the first time,  ...our brains frantically scan and analyse every bit of data picked up by our senses, to help us build a fuller picture of who this new person is in front of us. And ultimately help us answer the burning question, can I trust...

Don’t Say “INTERESTING”, Choose these English Adjectives Instead!

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone who isn't a native in your language... ...and something they say sounds kind of odd or makes you think "I have no idea what they're trying to say!"? Or perhaps you were the one speaking English and mid-conversation you...

6 Lessons Jack Ma Wants Entrepreneurs to Learn

Jack Ma is not only one of the hardest workers of the last 2 decades or so, but as of October 2020, he was also one of China's richest men with a net worth of over US$56 billion, and one of the wealthiest people in the world! He is a Chinese business magnate,...

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