Improve Your English Pronunciation – How To Pronounce ‘ED Endings’ Like a Native!
Have you ever had a conversation with a native English speaker…
…and instead of their pronunciation being clear and easy to understand, it actually confused you or sounded kind of… weird?
Or maybe you’ve had that look from them that says, “I’m trying my hardest to understand you, but…” ?
Don’t worry, it’s not your fault… …is what I’d like to tell you, but well, it kind of is, and it’s mine too! Stay with me, I’ll explain.
Almost every English learner has a different accent, pronunciation or intonation, and considering that native speakers are definitely not all geniuses, we’re not always prepared to hear these differences in live conversation.
Check out This Video to Improve your English Pronunciation!
This is common among all languages, for example, when someone doesn’t understand me in Portuguese, I’m pretty sure it’s because I said something in a strange way… (and believe me, I have many embarrassing funny stories of this happening to me in Portuguese, maybe I’ll share them with you one day!).
But we shouldn’t feel embarrassed or frustrated about this, everyone who has ever learnt a second language, EVER, knows what that feels like.
And one of the TOP Pronunciation mistakes in English is the ED sound of Past Tense Regular Verbs, also known as ED endings, for example: watchED.
[HINT] This is NOT pronounced “watch-ED”…
In fact there are THREE very different ways to correctly pronounce these ED sounds, with simple rules for each.
Improve Your English Pronunciation 👉 How To Pronounce ‘ED Endings’ Like a Boss Native!
The Good News! This is one of those small differences that makes a BIG difference to your fluency, which is why it’s one of my favourite things to teach students.
And as a native and an English teacher, I can tell you that it is REALLY refreshing to hear ED endings pronounced correctly, and it is SO easy to fix!
This is EXACTLY my goal with this video!
Warning! These tips can also improve your understanding of Native speakers! Find out how in the video!
Do you want to Improve your English Pronunciation AND your ability to understand Native speakers? This video breaks down one of the TOP pronunciation mistakes and shows you how to sound more fluent and even more native with Past Tense Regular Verbs. For all this and more, check out the video above!
Once you’ve finishED watching, check out the practice tips and tools I recommend in the description, and try out the mini ED pronunciation test – you can post your answers in the comments for me to see.
If you like this video or learnt something new, please consider sharing it with your friends and colleagues and please remember to hit the LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE to my channel for more Native English and Business English tips, insights and lessons.
Adam & Team TN

About the Author
Adam Baker is the co-Founder and Course Director at Trust Native. He’s an Entrepreneur, Business Coach, and Sport & Organizational Psychologist with professional experience in both Europe and South America.

About the Author
Adam Baker is the co-Founder and Course Director at Trust Native. He’s an Entrepreneur, Business Coach, and Sport & Organizational Psychologist with professional experience in both Europe and South America.
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