Great Leaders are Attuned to their Employees Needs
Are you a leader in Business?
Would you like to be? Do you report directly to a business leader in your company?
If so, you’ll have a good idea about what great management and leadership involves, and no doubt a few ideas and experiences of some not so great leadership, too.
I often talk in depth with my clients about what high-quality leadership really entails, from different management styles, levels of emotional intelligence, and greater communication skills, to effective talent recognition and retention, inspiration, motivation and empowerment.
But when we boil it right down, Leaders have a simple role overall, to have a clear vision or strategy, and to guide their followers (employees), and inspire them to value that vision and help the company to achieve it. It sounds simple when we look at it from afar, like this.
It gets a little more complex when you start to delve a little deeper, into the ‘how’ leaders do this ‘simple’ task.
Ultimately, Leaders achieve success through effective decision making and a certain vision and clarity they have, but how effectively their employees work for them is usually down to something far simpler, yet far deeper: by knowing how to make their employees FEEL a certain way about the company or the work they are doing.
Be that a feeling of motivation, passion, excitement, connection, pride, value and importance, respect, security, variety, growth, progression, contribution, responsibility and empowerment, sometimes fear or consequence, and in really great leaders, a sense of certainty and safety.
I spoke about this in another article on leadership, where I shared a great TED talk from Simon Sinek.
Generally speaking, as employees, we want to be inspired, we want direction and certainty, and we want growth and empowerment.
As business leaders, we want commitment, passion, respect, dedication, and of course, results.
This relationship between Leader and Follower is a two-way channel, give and take, cause and effect. And it works best when that cause really resonates with the employees, their inner values, drivers, and their fantastic reciprocal nature to do something good for their leader in return.
~Maya Angelou
If you’re a leader and you’re not getting the response you’d like from your employees, there’s a good chance they need to be led in a slightly different way. Before you look to change the people, look to change the way they can be led to get the results you want.
A mentor of mine and communication expert once taught me, if you’re not getting the response you want from the person you’re communicating with, then your probably sending them the wrong message or more importantly, you’re probably sending it in the wrong way.
The responsibility is always on the part of the sender, not the receiver of the message. The same applies to the leader and the led.
Now I’m interested to know your thoughts, your opinions and experiences.
As a leader in business, how do you make your employees feel? And how do you know they truly feel that way?
Do you create an environment of certainty and empowerment? Is that possible for all businesses and departments?
If you’re not a leader in business yet, can you see how your leaders could enhance their leadership style with this in mind?
Let us know what you think about this subject by sharing your ideas and experiences in the comments below!
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About the Author
Adam Baker is the co-Founder and Course Director at Trust Native. He’s an Entrepreneur, Business Coach, and Sport & Organizational Psychologist with professional experience in both Europe and South America.

About the Author
Adam Baker is the co-Founder and Course Director at Trust Native. He’s an Entrepreneur, Business Coach, and Sport & Organizational Psychologist with professional experience in both Europe and South America.
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