The Long Life of First Impressions
When we meet someone for the first time,
…our brains frantically scan and analyse every bit of data picked up by our senses, to help us build a fuller picture of who this new person is in front of us.
And ultimately help us answer the burning question, can I trust them?
First impressions have gained a lot of attention over the years, we’ve all heard how important they are, that they’re incredibly hard to change and that we should be very careful to ensure we make the right impression.
‘To put our best foot forward’, so to speak.
But how many of us actually know what message we’re giving off? Or even what message we WANT to communicate as our first impression?
How can we ensure we get the first impression right? Should we just be ourselves or should we adapt this depending on who we’re speaking to?
As business professionals, we care deeply about our professional image, our reputation as individuals, we want people to like us and understand and value who we are.
Yet most of us do not invest in actively projecting the image that we want to be known for, often letting small details radically alter other people’s perception of us.
Where does that lead us?
Quite simply, it leads us to create an image that doesn’t truly reflect who we are or what we’re about, giving off a distorted, potentially career-damaging impression.
So how can we take control of our first impressions and ensure that when we meet someone for the first time, they see us for who we really are, or what we want to be known or remembered for, and ultimately, how we will be classified, categorised and characterised in their minds?
Check out this interesting TEDx Talk by Canadian Communication Coach, Ric Phillips, who offers 7 ideas or ‘formulas’ for creating and influencing your first impression.
In the video he answers questions like, ‘what actually creates a first impression?’ and ‘how can we proactively influence the right impression as opposed to letting fate take care of it?’.
You can watch Ric’s TEDx talk by clicking the video below. Remember to let us know what you think in the comments box below!
Video Introduction: Most of us know that we are supposed to make a great first impression, but we may not fully understand how to do it consistently. Communication Coach Ric Phillips shares his own struggles with this quest, and what he has found out to help us manage our first impressions and attempt to avoid the long life of a bad one. .
So what did you think of Ric’s talk and his ideas about creating the right first impression?
Could his formulas help you give off the right vibe in your professional environment? Which of these tools could you implement into your life today?
We want to know what you have to say! Let us know your thoughts, ideas and experiences on first impressions in the comments section below.
PLUS, if you liked this article, feel free to share it with your friends and colleagues via Facebook and LinkedIn!
P.S.: If you want to elevate your professional vibe and speak ‘Business English’ fluently, check out our fantastic range of courses and services here!
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About the Author
Adam Baker is the co-Founder and Course Director at Trust Native. He’s an Entrepreneur, Business Coach, and Sport & Organizational Psychologist with professional experience in both Europe and South America.

About the Author
Adam Baker is the co-Founder and Course Director at Trust Native. He’s an Entrepreneur, Business Coach, and Sport & Organizational Psychologist with professional experience in both Europe and South America.
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